Why You Shouldn’t Leave a Breakup Empty Handed?

When You're Bankable You've Got Options

Breakups give your options to be bankable. First things first, “85 percent of relationships end in a breakup” (Hellen Chen) which means only 15% of relationships actually work out. 

Next to that  “50% of marriages end in divorce”. So the odds are stacked against us from the outset. Rest assured, you’re not the only one that has been through a breakup. And you won’t be the last based on these numbers. You’re not alone and there is nothing wrong with you.

 “Most people will date on average 12 people before getting married” (eHarmony). This means that ten of those twelve will either be epic fails or will break your heart. 

Breakups are inevitable. So, what does that mean for you. It means being  that you shouldn't leave a breakup empty handed. You want to be “breakup ready” and “bankable”.  Here's the thing, when you’re bankable you’ve got options.

Why This Matters

When you're blindsided by a breakup you get caught in an emotional and financial roller-coaster. Your life is turned upside down. You are distracted from your life and from your purpose. As a result, the world misses out on your gifts and talents. That thing that only you can share with the world. You are not able to share your genius with the world. Your breakup derails you from your destiny. It does not have to be this way.

Enter Banking from Breakup™

“What would happen if I banked from my breakup?” Weird right? I know! But that was the question and the experiment that marked the start of my Banking from Breakup adventure. This became the catalyst for the #BANKINGFROMBREAKUP Movement which came about as a result of my own breakup after a long-term “situationship” came to an end in a painful and unexpected way.

So, I figured what did I have to lose? Here's the thing, I could have allowed my breakup to break me. But instead I decided to use it to build me. I felt that I shouldn’t leave my breakup empty handed. And I didn’t intend to!

I decided to take a well needed and earned “manbbatical” (a break from men). So, I embarked on a year of living manlessly. When I looked at the situation I realized that I needed a serious “ex-tox” (a detox from my ex... a cleanse of sorts). Basically, I would take this time to reinvent myself, reset and re-prioritize my life. Banking from Breakup™ was my ticket! It was exactly what needed to reboot my life after my breakup. Now I’m sharing my secrets with you!

I help others leverage their breakup and use it to strategically bank from it in 5 core areas of their life. I help them to bank spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically and financially.

The financial aftermath of a breakup can be devastating

You’ve gone from a shared financial life to a single financial situation. It is almost like you had two breakups. The breakup itself and then the breakup with your ex’s finances. Now you’re responsible for your own finances. You have no one else to rely on or fall back on. It’s all on you.

Then there’s the constant stress and worry about money. You’re finances are limited, you're living paycheck to paycheck or worst you have to live with your ex because you can’t afford to leave just yet. For many this is the reality. Which means their lives are put on hold until they get back on their feet financially. It is not the situation you had planned for yourself or ever envisioned.

Banking from Breakup™ is about handling your breakup like BOSS! Look at Banking from Breakup™ as your “return on investment” or as “breakup insurance”. Think about it, you’ve invested your heart, your feelings, your emotions, your love, your attention, your affections, your body, mind, soul, your money and your time. Time that you will never get back. This is why you never waste a breakup or better why you don't leave empty handed. Time to get your return on investment. 

My mission is to inspire millions  worldwide to “bank from breakup” so they can live a better and bigger life without their exes and have the upper hand in their own life.

Your Breakup Doesn't Have to Break You 

​​​​​​You owe it to yourself to bank from your breakup. And, you deserve to bank in all areas of your life. The thing is you don't have to be a prisoner of your breakup. Because, you can leverage your breakup and use it to your advantage. Think of it this way, your breakup is a blessing, with dividends. 

Are you ready to bank from your breakup and let your breakup build you instead of break you? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT!!!