Why You Are BAE

Blog image photo of lindy

You are BAE

Here is the simple truth, you are BAE. No one can define you. You define you, your life and how you move on from your breakup. Basically, it’s all you. Being BAE is about knowing that you are meant for more, that you deserve better than what you've experienced and that there is life after your ex.

The twisted idea that someone completes you is so messed up. Thanks Jerry McGuire. No one can complete you. Sure, some one can complement you and your life, but they can’t complete you. If you stop to think about it for a hot minute, if someone could actually complete you, there would be no need for personal growth and development. Life would get pretty old, pretty quick if you were not striving, expanding, learning, growing, evolving and achieving. So please scratch that notion from your mind. I repeat no one can complete you.

What does you are BAE really mean?

It means you are “Better After {your} Ex™”. Often times when we go through a breakup we feel like we can’t move on without that person in our lives. They are familiar to us. We don’t want to let go. We want them in our lives even if they have hurt us. But that is no way to live. Truth is, you were fine before they came into your life and you will be fine after.

Why you are BAE

Being BAE gives you choice and freedom to live your life your way on your terms. Here are 16 reasons why you are BAE (Better After Ex™). You get to...

  1. Become the number one priority in your life;
  2. Be unapologetic, give zero and do you;
  3. Focus on your own dreams, goals, plans and aspirations full-time;
  4. Spend your time the way you want and do what you like;
  5. Be great and travel with friends or solo  (you don’t need anyone’s permission);
  6. Do exactly what you want, when you want and with whom you want;
  7. Get back in the driver’s seat of your life and go for what you really want;
  8. Rediscover who you are, who you want to be and who you want to become in the world;
  9. Reclaim your power, your sense of self and your identity;
  10. Develop your interests, pursue your passions, discover your purpose;
  11. Become the best version of yourself no holds barred; 
  12. Live your best life on your terms unapologetically;
  13. Flip the script on your breakup, write the ending and the new beginning; 
  14. Create your own closure (because whatever they have to say doesn't matter anyway because they showed you who they were and what they have to say doesn't change anything);
  15. Delete what no longer serves you in your life and reset your life; and 
  16. Celebrate your breakup! (Yes you read that correctly)

What happens when you are BAE

When you are BAE your life comes alive in ways you never imagined. Your whole world opens up in the most amazing ways. Things that you may not have noticed while in your relationship you find a new appreciation for them. I'm not going to candy coat it, breakups suck. They hurt. They mess with your mind and your emotions. But when the dust settles and things clear you realize that you will be ok and that there is life after your ex. There is life after your breakup. However, to experience that life, you must let go of your breakup and stop trying to hold on to your ex. You can’t move forward holding on to the past. Your relationship is over and you deserve to move on and live your best life. When you stop holding on to the pain of your breakup you make room in your life for better relationships and a better life.  Don't you want a better life? Don't you deserve better relationships? Put your hands up! Drop a comment below and let me know if you are BAE.