What Beyoncé Would Say

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Seriously, What Would Beyoncé Say

Here's what Beyoncé would say when it comes to Banking from Breakup and I could not agree with her more!

“Always stay gracious, the best revenge is your paper.”

The lyrics say it all. These are the lyrics from Beyoncé’s chart-topping Billboard hit “Formation”. Clearly Bey knows a thing or two about banking from breakup. She not only a successful woman, but she is one of the most influential celebrities worldwide. 

Banking from Breakup is Not About Revenge

I personally don’t believe in seeking revenge. It just takes too much energy that I could otherwise be investing in myself and building my best life. Plus, ain't nobody got time for that!  Seeking revenge is so tempting I know. But in all honesty, it doesn’t accomplish anything. The end result doesn’t change. Plus, you come off as having issues and being messed up. 

At best you end up looking bad. When you are focused on revenge, you take your attention off the most important person in your life, yourself. Revenge has no place in banking from breakup. Here’s the thing, you can’t bank from breakup when you are hell bent on seeking revenge. It is impossible. In the end revenge might cost you more than you are willing to lose. So not worth the risk or the aftermath. Don't play yourself. 

Nothing good ever comes from seeking revenge. But if you take a page out of Beyoncé’s book there’s nothing wrong with living your best life and “making your paper”. That is not revenge at all. That is “evidence of good living”.  You are so much better after your ex. You are B.A.E.

Banking from Breakup is So Much More

Banking from Breakup™ is about helping you figure out how and where to start. It's about helping you determine your next step so you can move beyond your breakup and live a better and bigger life without your ex.

It's about helping you to start building back your confidence, your self-esteem, and your self-worth. As well as helping you create a new vision for your life, set new goals, develop new habits and routines. Most importantly it will help you to rediscover who you are and who you want to become. It will help you to create a plan to bank from your breakup! So you can live the life of your dreams and do what you want with your life. It's your life after all. You own it. It's up to you to make it great. Your ex has no say. They gave up the backstage pass to your life when they broke up with you. Their access has been denied. No more behind the scenes of your life for them! Time to step up and get what's yours. So, in the ever so fierce words of Beyoncé, "Always stay gracious, the best revenge is your paper!"  Mic drop.

If You Agree with What Beyoncé Would Say

If you agree with what Beyoncé would say drop a comment below and let us all know.