Lessons from Taylor Swift

Cover Image of Lindy

Banking from Breakup Lessons from Taylor Swift

Facts, Taylor Swift is the perfect example of banking from breakup. What better way to get over a breakup then by raking in some extra cash? Right!? Okay in Taylor's case a ton of cash! There's totally nothing wrong with it. Taylor Swift has turned breakups into a multi-million-dollar business. Every time she has a breakup she writes a chart-topping hit song (album) and literally banks. The numbers don’t lie! Taylor's breakup from Calvin Harris back in 2016 earned them a crazy 233 million between them. It has been dubbed the “The $233 Million Break Up”

Clearly, neither walked away completely empty-handed: Taylor Swift made $170 million in 2016 year, while Calvin Harris made $63 million. Not bad for a breakup! Who would have thought. The bottom line is that you can leverage your breakup and use it to your financial advantage.

Taking a page from Taylor Swift

I have a new-found respect for Taylor Swift. T. Swift clearly knows a thing or two about banking from breakup. She gives a whole new perspective to breakups. Here are the top 3 lessons about breakups I’ve learned from Taylor Swift.

1. Yes you can bank from breakup regardless of the type of breakup you’ve had. A breakup is a breakup. After all she has done it. T. Swift is proof that your breakup is what you make it. You have a choice of how you deal with your breakup. You can choose to grow and build from it. Or you can choose to be broken and broke by it. 

2. You should never leave a breakup empty handed. Clearly, she didn’t leave empty handed. And why should you? She took her negative and turned it into a positive. She went from breakup to billboard hit all the way to the bank. A breakup is not the end of the world. Quite frankly, it's a beginning of a whole new world. One that you get to shape and create. 

3. You don’t have to be Taylor Swift to bank from breakup. Perfect cause Taylor Swift I'm not. I'm not a Grammy award-winning singer and songwriter. Nope that is not my gift. So, no excuses. As long as you're willing and open to the possibilities you're good. The key is to use your breakup as fuel and fire to live your best life. It's been said that  being successful is the best revenge. Or in the words of Queen Bey, the "Best revenge is your paper!" For the record I personally am not about revenge. But I will cosign with Bey.

Here’s what you can do to start Banking from Breakup right now!

Banking from Breakup is a mindset. The first thing you need to do is shift your perspective about breakups. Think about it like this, if Taylor Swift can do it, it means that it's possible.
Banking from Breakup is about having a new vision for your life. The old vision you had is no longer valid. It has expired. Time to reimagine your best possible life. What is your new vision for your life?

Banking from Breakup is about living your truth. The best thing you can do is live your truth. Your breakup happened for a reason. This is your time to use this experience to your advantage. It is your time to stand up and step up in your life. How can you leverage your  own breakup and use it to your advantage?

Here’s what one of my clients Lisa G. had to say, “I like the fact that you are breaking down the process for regular people like me. The fact you are making this available for everybody is great.”

Taylor gives new meaning to banking from breakup

So, if Taylor Swift is banking from breakup. There's no excuse. You should be banking from breakup too! Because T. Swift should not be the only one banking from breakup.
You can either choose to be broken and broke or you can choose to bank from your breakup. It is totally up to you! BANK or BROKE? The choice is obvious. Drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts.