Why You Must Make Peace With Your Breakup

Cover Image of Lindy Lewis

Make Peace with Your Breakup in 2019

Why make peace with your breakup? It’s the only way to slay in 2019. Holding on to your breakup like it’s some kind of security blanket does nothing for you, but keep you stuck in the past. It doesn’t serve you in any way. So why allow yourself to be a causality of your breakup? It is so easy to go get comfortable with it. It is like the last connection you have to your relationship. The fact is your ex let go of the relationship. They let go of you. What does that tell you? There is no point trying to fight for something that is clearly over. Don’t hold on to someone who has let you go. If you want to know why you must make peace with your breakup in 2019 then keep reading.

What Does Energy Have to Do with Breakups

Good question. What if instead of looking at breakups from a biological perspective, we examine it from a physics standpoint? According to quantum physics, everything is energy. Which means that “breakups” are also energy. Strange right. I know. Stay with me. So, if breakups are energy, (and without going into a full-blown exposé on quantum physics or launching into a detailed explanation of the holy grail of science), then it begs to reason that breakups occur when energies (aka two people) fall out of sync. These energies no longer resonate with each other. Hence they fall away from each other. They breakup. So, the same way energies collide to bring people together, is the same way energies fall out of sync resulting in a breakup. Could this be the underlying reason why breakups occur? It makes sense.

How Energy Works

As we know from science, energy cannot be created, destroyed or recycled. It simply changes states (just like people change states). Energy also has vibration and frequency. Therefore, energies with similar vibrations and frequencies attract. And vice versa with energies that have different vibrations and frequencies don’t attract. They repel. Simply put, like energy attracts like energy and the opposite is true for energy that is not alike. So if we push the needle, breakups occur when the energy changes between two people and is no longer in sync. This begs repeating, relationships break up when the partners’ energies no longer resonate in harmony with each other. The energies become dissonant. 

The Problem of Holding on to the Energy of Your Breakup

Breakups leave energetic residue. Yes I just made up that word. So we have the energy of the breakup and we also have the residual energy, the left over unresolved energy from the breakup. that's why we feel so bad and heavy when we go through a breakup. If we fail to address this energy it holds us back and keeps us stuck. Here's the problem. Holding on to the energy of your breakup just amplifies it in your life. To make matters worst our thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions further amp up this heavy black cloud energy. This is why breakups seem so hard to get over. So now you have this tsunami of energy that keeps following you. And that is because it’s looking for resolution. So, it will be attracted to you like a magnet unless you resolve it. That's why you must make peace with your breakup. 

You Can’t Destroy Energy

The goal isn’t to destroy your breakup or crush it to smithereens figuratively speaking (even though that is exactly how you might feel). But to make peace with it and let it go. Your breakup is part of your story. If leveraged and used in the right way it can give you strength you didn’t realize you had. Ultimately it can help you rebuild your life in a way that works better for you than before your breakup. Remember we can’t destroy energy, but we can change it. You have the power to change how you move on from your breakup. It starts when you decide to make peace with your breakup and freeing yourself.

Wise Words from Lisa Nichols

Whether you’re a fan of Lisa Nichols, or not, you can’t help but agree with her when she says, “Until you deal with your past hurts in relationships, your spirit will always be searching for peace in relation to those painful experiences. Those past hurts will follow you through your life and affect your present interactions with others.” This is so very true. That energy will follow you like a shadow until you deal with it and make peace with it. The only way to shift that energy is to resolve it, bless it, release it, and bid it farewell.

Don’t Become a Causality of Your Breakup

Breakups will make you do some crazy sh*t. Been there. Here’s the thing, if you have to beg and plead and convince someone to stay with you and explain why you are the best person for them. If you have to give them hundred reasons why they will never find anyone better than you. Or if you have to chase and manipulate them see that you are the best thing or show them why you’re perfect. Or if you have to make excuses or force them to be with you…they are not the person for you! It’s time to let go and move on. Don’t try to hold on to someone, who doesn’t want to hold on to you or who isn’t trying to stay with you. The truth is you will never win, and they will only resent you. And that’s no way to live. When you fail to make peace with your breakup you become a causality of your breakup. 

Bless Your Breakup and then let it go

At the end of the day you know deserve better. You can’t make someone want you if they don’t. You can’t force love. And you shouldn’t have to chase it! So, bless the energy of your breakup and then release it. Make peace with it, thank it for the lessons, wish it well, let it know that it’s the end of the road and then send it on its way. It's time to lay your breakup to rest! Dear Breakup, Today I make peace with you. Thank you for the lessons. I wish you well. Time for you to be on your way now. I release you from my life. Be free. Goodbye. R.I.P breakup.