The Power of a Breakup

Remember the day of your breakup?

You remember it like it was yesterday. You feel the flood of emotions come rushing back like a hurricane. The shock, the disbelief, the anger, the denial. To this day you still can’t believe your relationship ended. This was supposed to be your forever love...the one.

You recall the feeling of 1000 knives piercing your heart. The heart-wrenching, gut-churning, soul-crushing, mind-exploding debilitating pain that paralyzed you for days, weeks and months. You felt like you’d never get over it. But you managed to start piecing your life back together. Now, you’re ready to move on, but you’re not sure how or what to do or where to start. You know you deserve better and that you are meant for more. Here's what changed things for me.

“What would happen if I banked from my breakup?”

Seriously, what if I could cash in on my breakup. Like make money from my breakup. Weird right? I know! But that was the question that changed everything for me. I figured what did I have to lose?

This marked the start of my own banking from breakup experiment. What started out as an experiment became the catalyst for the banking from breakup method my own game-changing breakup bounce back plan.

Armed with my own experience, insights and strategy I was ready. I set out to change the way we do breakups. My breakup became my platform. Little did I know that as a result of my own breakup I would not only change my own life but I had the opportunity to change the lives of others.

My breakup was my power

About a year and a half ago I decided to close the door on a long-term situationship that was going no where.

It wasn’t an easy decision, but a necessary one if I was going to get back in the driver’s seat of my life.

This decision not only changed my life, but also changed the way I viewed breakups.

I realized that I had a choice to make. I could choose to hold on hang in there, hoping, waiting, wondering, wishing, wanting, praying for things to change.

Here’s the thing, what I learned was that holding patterns are for airplanes. So, I chose me.

Now I could have let my breakup break me. Or I could let it build me. I didn’t want to be that woman who was broke and broken by a breakup. I refused to be her. So, I chose to leverage my breakup and use it to my advantage.

I am here to share with you what I learned from this experience. You will never look at breakups the same way. 

Let's do the math

According to Marriage Expert Hellen Chen, “85 percent of relationships end in a breakup”. That means only 15% of relationships actually work out.

On top of that “50% of marriages end in divorce”. So the odds are not great based on these numbers.
Another study done by eHarmony, the popular dating site, says “most people will date on average 12 people before getting married”. This means that ten of those twelve will either be epic fails or will break your heart. Bottom-line breakups are inevitable.

The Problem Is

The financial aftermath of a breakup can be devastating. You’ve gone from a shared financial life to a single financial situation. It is almost like you had two breakups. The breakup itself and then the breakup with your ex’s finances. Now you’re responsible for your own finances. You have no one else to rely on or fall back on. It’s all on you.
Then there’s the constant stress and worry about money. You’re finances are limited, you're living paycheck to paycheck or worst you have to live with your ex because you can’t afford to leave just yet. For many this is the reality. Which means their lives are put on hold until they get back on their feet financially. It is not the situation you had planned for yourself or ever envisioned.

When a woman is blindsided by a breakup she is caught in an emotional and financial roller-coaster. Her life is turned upside down. She is distracted from her life and from her purpose. As a result, the world misses out on her gifts and talents. She is not able to share her genius with the world. Her breakup derails their destiny. It does not have to be this way.

Banking from Breakup gives you another option

If it is ten breakups per person you need to have a plan in place.

That means being “breakup ready” and “bankable”. Because, when you’re bankable you’ve got options. Banking from Breakup gives you’re a new vantage point from which to operate. Like I said, your breakup doesn’t have to break you. It should build you. You can bank from your breakup, become your best self and live your best life.

The Reality is

As I mentioned 85 percent of relationships end in breakup. The reality is breakups are happen. But what you do with your breakup is up to you. You get to choose how you handle your breakup. Your breakup is your power.

Banking from Breakup is the new way to do breakups. No more playing the victim or crying in the club or on the bathroom floor. With banking from breakup, you have the power to best your breakup and boss up. 

Breakup Like a Boss

Banking from Breakup™ is about handling your breakup like BOSS! Look at Banking from Breakup™ as your “return on investment” or as “breakup insurance”. In a way it is your financial backup plan. Think about it, you’ve invested your heart, your feelings, your emotions, your love, your attention, your affections, your body, mind, soul, your money and your time. Time that you will never get back. Look! All of that has to count for something! So don't let your breakup break you. Instead use it to build you.

Join the revolution and be a part of the banking from breakup movement. Find out 5 questions to ask yourself if you're ready to bank from your breakup. Click Here!