Lessons from the 2018 History-making Blockbuster Black Panther

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Lessons from the 2018 Blockbuster Movie Black Panther

Last week the long-awaited movie the Black Panther premiered to an unprecedented $520 million in box office sales in its first week. It has smashed box office records and is easily pacing towards 1 Billion with over $700 million in global box office sales. The hype was worth it and more. It did not disappoint. You are probably thinking what does the Black Panther have to do with banking from your breakup? Actually, a lot. There are a number of lessons that one can take from the movie and apply to one’s own life.

In the opening of the movie we see T’Challa grieving the loss of his Father T’Chaka. After his father’s death, T'Challa ascends to the throne and is sworn in as the new King of Wakanda. The movie then chronicles T’Challa as he avenges his father’s death.

Your breakup is the loss of your relationship (friendship, situationship, marriage). With any loss comes pain, sadness, despair, hurt and anger. And we need to find the courage and strength to move forward.

Without making this a recap of the movie or giving it away for those of you who have not seen the movie yet I will just focus on the lessons we can draw upon from the movie. Not to worry there are no spoiler alerts. However, there are a number of powerful quotes that you can borrow great wisdom from. I know I have. 

Black Panther Quote 1

"Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them. I am done letting it consume me." ―T'Challa to Helmut Zemo, 

Banking from breakup is not about seeking revenge or having vengeance on your ex. It is about taking back your power and taking charge of your life. So, don’t let your breakup consume you. When your breakup consumes you, you stop living your life. You put your life on hold and waste a whole lot of time wondering “what if”, “maybe” and “if only”. You remain stuck. And guess what? Your ex has moved on with someone else. They are probably not even thinking about you and how they’ve hurt and devastated you. Sad but true. Here’s the thing you can’t get back time you’ve wasted. So, it’s time to stop renting space in your head to your ex and start living your best life.

Black Panther Quote 2 

In times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” One of two end credit scenes

See your breakup as a bridge, not a barrier. Your breakup should not keep you stuck or hold you back, it should move you forward in the direction of your dreams. It is an opportunity for you to change the trajectory of your life. Your breakup is your set up for your come up.

Black Panther Quote 3

" You cannot let your father's actions define your life. You get to decide what kind of king you are going to be." Nakia, (Lupita Nyong'o) to T'Challa.

You may not have had any control over your breakup or the circumstances (or maybe you did). The point is you get to decide how you handle your breakup and how you move forward. How you handle your breakup is 100% your responsibility. You get to choose your next move. What will you choose for yourself? No one else can do your breakup for you.

Black Panther Quote 4

“What happens now determines what happens to the rest of the world.” T’Challa

How you handle your breakup determines how you move forward and move on in world. It influences how you show up in your life and how you show up in the world around you. The world needs your gifts and your impact. That special thing that you were born to do and were made for. Don't let your breakup keep you from sharing your gifts with the world. So, you can either hinder yourself or help yourself. You are your own rescue. No one can see you through your breakup better than you. The decision is yours. Choose you. The world is waiting for your impact.

Black Panther Quote 5

“My son, it is your time.” Queen Ramonda (Angela Bassett) to T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) to boost his confidence as he prepares to take the throne.

It is your time to move on from your breakup and reclaim your life and find who you are truly meant to be in the world. You are not your breakup. You had a breakup, but your breakup doesn’t define you. You have the power to do your breakup differently. You have the power to choose yourself over your breakup.

Black Panther Quote 6

"You haven't seen anything yet." Shuri on designing the Black Panther’s vibranium suit

There is life after your breakup. Your life is full of endless possibilities. It’s up to you to embrace all those possibilities. You may not be able to change the past, but you can decide on the kind of future you want for yourself.  You don’t need anyone’s permission to be great. That’s all you. Time to tap into that greatness that has always been there all along. Go and see the movie yourself and draw your own insights and conclusions. 

The Takeaway Lesson: Your destiny is determined by your decisions. This is not a Disney Movie. This is real life. Your life. You have the power of choice and you get to decide how you best your breakup!  Let me know know thoughts below.