How to Flourish Beyond Your Breakup

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You Can Learn How to Flourish Beyond Your Breakup

Banking from Breakup is about learning to flourish beyond your breakup.

I will not lie, breakups are hard, messy and painful. They make you question everything you once knew about yourself. They make you do things your normally or otherwise would not do. I know. Because I have been there. 

Even when you know a breakup is coming or you’ve been blindsided by a breakup it turns your world upside down. You don’t know your top from your bottom. It shatters your heart into a tiny million pieces. It breaks you. I fracture your emotions and splinters your mind.

I remember my breakup like it was yesterday. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the moment t I knew my relationship was over. I could no longer ignore it. I remember feeling so discarded, like I didn’t matter. Like everything I believed about them was a lie. Like all the years I had invested in this relationship didn’t mean a thing. I refused to see all the red flags because I wanted things to work out. 

What does it mean to Flourish?

Here is where I am after almost 2 years later. I have learned to flourish beyond my breakup. The word flourish means to, “grow or develop in way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.” Other meanings for the word include to thrive, achieve success or prosper. Banking from Breakup is truly about flourishing. 
You see, I could have allowed my breakup to break me. But instead I decided to use it to build me. I felt that I shouldn’t leave my breakup empty handed. And I didn’t int
end to! 

Choose to Flourish Beyond Your Breakup

Two things I realized. 1) I realized that I could have allowed myself to stay stuck or 2) I could decide to change my life as a result of my breakup. I decided to change my life for the better. I chose me over my breakup. I refused to be broken by my breakup. Instead I chose to flourish. Life is good now. Better than it has been in a long time. When I let go of my breakup, I found my wings to fly. Everyday I choose to flourish. You get to choose who you show up every single day. 

Here’s the thing you get to decide whether you flourish beyond your breakup or whether you stay stuck.

The choice is all yours. But it is so much easier when you have some help. Banking from Breakup is about helping you to flourish beyond your breakup. You don't have to do it all alone. 

How to Flourish Beyond Your Breakup?

In order to flourish you need to do the following
1. Forgive yourself and your ex. It all starts with forgiveness. Forgiveness it what allows you to move forward with your life. Forgiveness is not about your ex. It’s about you. You may not forget what happened, but when you forgive you free yourself.

2. Let go. It is over. Trying to fix something that is broken doesn’t work. Your relationship ended for a reason. It is not always easy to let go, but it is necessary if you want to move on.

3. Own your breakup. In order to be over it and on with it you need to first own it. Acknowledge that you had a breakup, but you are not your breakup.

4. Unpack your emotions, feelings, the lessons, the insights, the stories (acknowledge them and then release them); unplug from social media; unleash and unlock them, feel them.
5. Reclaim your life, your power and your sense of self; release all negativity and negative vibes.

6. Identify your strengths, your superpowers, what you’re naturally gifted or good at; itemize, take inventory of your skills, education, expertise, experiences; Indulge yourself. be intentional about your life, trust your intuition. 

7. Set goals, stop doing things that tear you down, start doing things that help you to flourish, start a daily mindset practice, self-care/love routine, surround yourself with positive people and influences.

8. Have a plan to take care of yourself spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically and financially, put yourself first, choose you, do you. 

Are you ready to F.L.O.U.R.I.S.H. beyond your breakup? Let me know in the comments below. When you flourish you learn to fly.