The Best “No-Revenge” Breakup Revenge

The Best “No-Revenge” Breakup Revenge

The Best Breakup Revenge 

The best “no-revenge” breakup revenge is to bank from your breakup. To literally cash in on your heartbreak so that you can move on and live your best life, be financially independent, self-empowered and self-reliant. Your life is 100% your responsibility.

According to the research, nearly one in four in financial difficulty after a breakup. Your breakup doesn’t have to bankrupt you. You can bounce back financially stronger and better than ever!

So rather than focus on revenge, focus on improving your financial situation, setting financial goals and creating your financial future. 

Beyoncé's Best Breakup Revenge Advice

Hands down, Beyoncé best breakup revenge advice is from her hit song "Formation". The very last line of the song she nails it, “always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper". This here is the best breakup motivation. There is no better inspiration than this line.  Seriously, this bar sums up Banking from Breakup™. Banking from Breakup™ is all about the no-revenge kind of revenge. At the end of the day it is not about your ex, but about you. When you make it about your ex, you miss out on your life. 

Again, for the record and to be super clear, I’m not endorsing revenge in the traditional sense of the word. But I will co-sign with Beyoncé on this one. Focus on being the best you can be and living your best life. 

Here’s why the no-revenge breakup revenge is the best kind of revenge

Breakups suck. Its natural to want to try and hurt your ex or to seek revenge. But honestly that is not the best way to handle things. I will not lie a breakup can make you want to do some awful things. So as tempting as it might be it solves nothing. You just end up looking crazy. 

Seeking revenge only hurts you in the end. Chances are your ex is not thinking about you. They have moved on with their life. They are with someone else. The best revenge, is adopting a no-revenge attitude. Never bitter, only better. The last thing you want is to do something you might regret. 

The only thing revenge does is keeps you from living your life. Its distracts your mind and focus and puts your attention on your ex. If that isn't enough, it stops you from looking after yourself and making yourself a priority. Not only does it hold you hostage to negativity, it also keeps your focus locked on your ex and not on you. So, stop giving your ex more attention than they deserve. Don’t let seeking revenge on your ex dominate your thoughts or your life for that matter. Your ex is not worthy of your time, energy or attention. Honestly, they don’t deserve a second thought. Because, when you fixate on getting even with your ex and hurting them you are allowing them to rent space in your head. The only person you hurt is yourself. It's like a boomerang because it always comes back to you. You get the idea.

The New Breakup Revenge

The new breakup revenge has nothing to do with revenge at all.  It's all about you becoming the best version of yourself and living your best life. So don’t seek revenge, rather seek reinvention. Your breakup doesn’t define you. What you do with your breakup and how you handle it is 100% up to you. No one can make you do anything. You always have a choice of how you respond and behave. Here is the new breakup revenge:

  1. Reinvent your self. Become the best version of yourself.
  2. Envision a new future for yourself. Cast a new vision for your life. You may not be able to change your past, but you control your present and your future. 
  3. Visualize yourself living your best life and becoming the best version of yourself. 
  4. Elevate your money. Don't let your breakup bankrupt you. Find ways to make more money so you can become financially independent and free. 
  5. No negativity. Refuse to be bitter. Choose to be better each and every day. Focus on the positive. Positivity trumps negativity every time. Flip the script on your breakup.
  6. Glow up. Focus on your glow up, both on the inside and the outside. Do everything to look and feel your best every day. Eat right. Exercise. Manage your emotions and your stress. 
  7. Engage in extreme self-care and self-love. Your most important relationship is the relationship you have with yourself. Put your self first. Make yourself a priority in your life. Take the best care of yourself.

The Best Breakup Revenge is about Investing In Yourself

See your breakup as an opportunity to get better. The best thing you can do following a breakup is to invest in yourself and become massively successful. Didn't Frank Sinatra say, "The best revenge is massive success"? Your breakup shouldn't break you. Rather it should build you. Use the lessons from your breakup to build your best life. Comment below with your thoughts. What's the best revenge?