Why Your Breakup May Not Be Your Fault?

Why Your Breakup May Not Be Your Fault?

Breakups Suck! They’re painful, hard and messy. Butthe thing is your breakup just may not be your fault. Let’s look at the numbers. They might shock you! Marriage expert Hellen Chen says that, “85 percent of relationships end in a breakup”. That means only 15% of relationships actually work out. According to these numbers your breakup is not your fault.

On top of that “50% of marriages end in divorce”. So, the odds are stacked against us from the outset. Rest assured, you’re not the only one that has been through a breakup. And you won’t be the last based on these numbers. You’re not alone and there is nothing wrong with you.

According to another study done by eHarmony, the popular dating site, “most people will date on average 12 people before getting married”. This means that ten out of those twelve will either be epic fails or will break your heart. This is what we’re working with. Sad, but true.

Let’s do some more math. So, if it is ten breakups per person and this is your first or second or even your fifth or sixth. Trust me! It won’t be your last. That’s just the plain truth. The key is having your Banking from Breakup Plan™ in place regardless of what the numbers say.

Better to “take front, before front takes behind”.

You’re probably wondering WHAT? Not to worry. This is just an old expression my grandmother used to say. It just means it’s better to plan ahead and be ready for anything life may throw at you, than to be caught unprepared.

Bottom-line breakups are inevitable. So, what does that mean for you. It means being “breakup ready” and “bankable”. So, you’re not bothered or phased by a breakup or a blindside. Because, when you’re bankable you’ve got options. Banking from Breakup™ is about handling your breakup like BOSS!

Banking from Breakup is Your Return on Investment

Look at Banking from Breakup™ as your “return on investment” or as “breakup insurance”. Think about it, you’ve invested your heart, your feelings, your emotions, your love, your attention, your affections, your body, mind, soul, your money and your time. Time that you will never get back. Look! All of that has to count for something! I lost 10 years of my life. That’s 3650 days that I will never get back. There are so many other things I could've done with that time. But I’m not looking back.

You Should Never Leave Your Breakup Empty Handed! 

My belief is that you should never leave a breakup empty handed. I am all about getting a fair and equitable return on investment plus a little extra. Even though I lost those years I decided I was not going to be bitter or resentful. It happened. It was mine and I was going to own it. I certainly was not going to waste my breakup! Oh no. So how you choose to bank from breakup is up to you.The needs your impact.

Are you ready to get started? Let’s go!