3 Tips to Declutter Your Breakup

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3 Tips to Declutter Your Breakup

Here are 3 Tips to Declutter Your Breakup. When you’re ready and you are in a better place you want to declutter your breakup. What does that mean? It means you want to let go of “breakup clutter” which is all the stuff you accumulated during your relationship that you no longer have a need for.

Breakup clutter includes things like photos, mementos, gifts, clothing, furniture, text messages. Basically, it’s anything that reminds you of the relationship. Every body handles this differently. What works for one person may not work for anther person. So, you want to do what is best for you. You determine your own process. There are no hard and fast rules.

Spring is a great time to declutter your breakup especially if you are still holding on to things from the relationship and it has been over for awhile now. Now is the time to breakup with the stuff! The reality is if you don’t love it or need it, let it go. Here’s the thing, what you hold on to is holding you back. Real talk. It took me awhile to realize this in my own situation. 

Tip #1 Declutter your environment

This process will vary for everyone depending on if you lived together or if you lived on your own. But the idea is the same you want to reclaim your space. You want to do a complete ex-tox (yes, a detox of all things your ex). You want to remove all traces of them and the relationship. The only exception are children and pets of course. But all breakup baggage is fair game. You want to go through and remove any remnants, reminders, photos, gifts, jewelry, clothing, furniture, artwork anything you bought while you were together etc. 

Sort through the items and determine what to sell, donate, keep or trash. If you plan to keep anything ask yourself this question, “What do you want in your new life? You get to decide what you bring into this new chapter of your life. If you have no reason to keep it let it go. Don’t keep things out of revenge either. You want to make room in your life so you can receive different. Don’t let breakup clutter from your past relationship block you or keep you from receiving something new and better in your life.

Tip #2 Declutter your phone

Purge phone of all pictures and text messages. You also want to delete their number from your phone. This removes the temptation to call or text. It also reduces the likelihood of drunk calling or drunk texting them. The idea is that over time you will forget the number as you no longer have use for it. In my case I just bought a new phone. This allowed me to start fresh. No pictures, no texts, no phone number, no reminders. Problem solved. It also just made it easier to be honest with you. So make your phone an ex-free zone!

Tip #3 Declutter your social media

Same goes for social media. Just like you purged your phone of photos and conversations, you want to wipe your social media as well. You want to unfriend, unfollow, and delete them from all your social channels. In my case they deactivated their social media accounts which saved me from having to unfriend, unfollow or delete. I guess I should probably thank them for that!

Most importantly you don’t want to be cyber stalking your ex on social. It’s not a good look. When you’re busy keeping tabs on your ex on social, you’re MIA (missing in action) in your own life. It also just makes you hold on to the hurt and keeps you stuck in your pain. And who needs that? Stop making your ex and their life more important than your own. Truth, your ex is not thinking about you. When you do this, you take back control of your life and you become the center of your life and not your ex. In order to bank from your breakup, you need to be the priority and the focus. Don’t play second in your own life! The best life is an uncluttered life. For more check out How to Marie Kondo Your Breakup. 

Takeaway: I will say it again, “what you hold on to is holding you back.” The key to banking from your breakup is to be out with the old to so you can make room for the fresh and new.  

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