Gayle King: Lessons from Her R. Kelly Interview

Gayle King Lessons from Her R. Kelly Interview

Gayle King and her Explosive Jaw-dropping R. Kelly Interview

Gayle King left nothing on the table with her R. Kelly Interview. It’s been almost 2 weeks (March 8) since the infamous R. Kelly Interview (meltdown) aired on CBS. It was the most talked-about TV event that week. As usual I’m not here to dissect or debate the interview or the charges brought against R. Kelly. But more to extract the lessons we can learn from Gayle and apply to our own lives. So, if you want o know what you can take away from Gayle King, keep reading.

Here are 5 Lessons we can Learn from Gayle King

I am all about elevation through education. Life is about the lessons we learn along the way. As John Assaraf would say, “smart people learn from their mistakes, but smarter people learn from the mistakes of others.” So that said, there is so much we can learn from each other’s experiences that we can use in our own lives. Breakups have a way of bringing out the worst in us. There highly emotional, challenging and heart-wrenching. The key to not letting your breakup get the best of you is to learn how to  manage  and master your emotions. When you master your emotions you're able to control yourself from flying off the handle. So here are 5 lessons we can learn from Gayle King to help us manage and master our emotions. 

Lesson No. 1 Do not Engage

Gayle King was true grace under fire. She was in total control and was unphased and unbothered by R. Kelly’s antics. Throughout the entire interview she kept her composure. Not once did she break under the intense display, engage or display the same. The only time she engaged was when she called his name. Here’s the thing you can’t change or control what people do. You can only control yourself and what you do or don’t do. Gayle handled herself brilliantly. Gayle was steady no shaking. She managed her emotions and her energy expertly. At no time did she allow her self to get drawn into Kelly’s furry and rage. Not only that, she didn’t flinch or bat an eyelash. All I can say she was fierce – she was tough when she needed to be and kind at other times. There was no display of ego or posturing on her part.

Lesson No. 2 Always remain Poised and Composed No Matter What

Even in Kelly's arm-flailing rage Gayle remained poised and composed, almost Sphinx-like. Her eyes fixed and her eye contact unwavering. When it was all said and done, she called him by his name "Robert" and just like that she deactivated the grenade of a situation. I loved how Gayle King didn’t crack or break once. Not only that, she came with some hard-hitting questions and didn’t back down. She was not afraid to ask the hard questions and that she did. It was very clear that Gayle King did not come to play softball. The gloves were on. From the outset of the interview you knew it was not going to be a walk in the park for Kelly.

Lesson No. 3 When Things Get Tough and Challenging Power Through

Kelly tried to put on a show with full theatrics and tears. Despite all of his screaming...cursing...towering over her...punching his hand violently...pounding his chest...yelling into the camera Gayle was cool and collected. He completely lost it. Ranting and raving like a lunatic. R. Kelly had no shred of composure. He went into full hysterics. Not only that, he was extremely emotional and worked up. Can you say he became unglued (unhinged)? This is the only way to describe him. Needless to say, Gayle King did an excellent job of not backing down and holding her own. There is no question she owned the interview hands down. When things got tough, challenging and uncomfortable she persisted and powered through. In my books she landed a perfect 10. Because she did not sign up for all of that. But she handled it masterfully.

Lesson No. 4 Let no One Rattle Your Cage

No matter what never let someone get you angry or push your buttons. “He who angers you, conquers you.” I think the biggest lesson we can takeaway from Gayle King is to find “calmness in the face of madness” or “calm in the face of rage”. This is an important life skill. A life lesson we can all learn from Gayle King. Gayle went into the situation without ego. She treaded carefully and navigated the situation impeccably. King was brilliant and absolutely genius with how stealthily she maneuvered the interview. Well slayed Gayle King, well played. At no time did she let R. Kelly push her buttons.

Lesson No. 5 Find Your Still Place

Gayle was still in the eye of the storm. She remained steady. The key is to find your still place. Before speaking outward take a moment and go into your quiet place and observe your thoughts and feelings. Only then choose your words carefully before you speak. Doing this alone has spared many an embarrassing moment. I’m a speak first and deal with the consequences later type of person. But thank goodness for my breakup. My breakup has grown and matured me.

Kudos to Gayle King

There is no question, Gayle bodied that interview in true Gayle King style. It was her interview, not to be hijacked by anyone, not even R. Kelly. For one thing this was not his platform nor was it a public service announcement that was for sure. Seriously, it takes great resolve to remain calm under tough circumstances. Watching Gayle King in action was like something out of a movie. It was startling and riveting. Gayle was undeniable. King was not thrown offer game in the least. Gayle demonstrated the power and true definition of silence is golden.

We can certainly apply these lessons to breakups. You control what you do or don't do in any given situation. How you handle your emotions determines how you come through a difficult situation.